Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So....most of you know that as of Monday, Feb. 25, 2013 I was demoted from Supervisor to Ramp Agent. It was a HUGE surprise and I am taking this tough.  But I have true friends that are there telling me I am fine, everything is ok, just relax.  I know I am fine, but currently I feel like the independent person I have become is withering away because now I am stressing more about the things I never stressed about.  I never really worried about money, now I am.  I am trying to figure things out step by step.  I know I have TBRU in just a few weeks and i need to get my mind straight and re prepped for that because everything was planned out for that, now I have to pick up two extra days at work and need to make sure I can get them covered.
Sorry if this is like a little rant or anything but I was essentially just saying thank you to all my friends that have been here for me recently.  I have needed this comfort from friends and family and thank you everyone for it.  I am now going to just grab life by the horns and ride it out!  I need to find a better job and I am looking for that.  So if you know anywhere in Cleveland that is hiring, let me know!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Mr Friendly
So in just a few weeks I will be going to TBRU, for those of you that do not know what that is it is The Texas Bear Round Up!  It is a lot of fun and you get to meet ALOT of great guys!  This year I am heading up the Mr Friendly booth at TBRU and I am very excited!  Wondering what Mr Friendly is?  Well Mr Friendly is the face of fighting the stigma of HIV! The way I look at everything we are ALL EQUAL!  No matter if you are HIV + or HIV - we are still family!  Remember to always disclose your status to anyone that you are about to have any type of sexual encounter with.  I have personally felt this stigma and currently feeling it here in Cleveland on the hookup sites here!  Its not a good feeling, I have been HIV + for four years and have turned so much around in my personal life.   So if you want to hate on me for it then there is no reason for us to talk, I did not choose to become HIV +, but it happened.
Well the original thought of this whole blog is that I am very very proud to announce that I am working on getting a Team Friendly Northeast Ohio together!  With the help of a few close friends  we will all get this together and spread the word of fighting the stigma of HIV across Northeast Ohio!  There is so much more that can be said about this but at the current moment I am drawing a blank.  If you want to know more information about Mr Friendly and the creation of Team Friendly Northeast Ohio please feel free to email me at!!