Some of you may have known that I was in Cleveland for two weeks doing TDY. For some reason TDY means Temporary Duty, not sure why the Y is there but yeah. Well myself and my friend Edin from work went to Cleveland and helped out since they were short some people. We had a blast while we were out there we worked our asses off that is for sure. I worked about 12 days straight then got off of work to fly back home and do my stepdown at Exile. Then I had to hurry back to Cleveland and head back to work so didn't get to party much with the new boy or my friends. While we worked in Cleveland we didn't get to go out much or do much since we were working the whole time. But we did have a Monday off together the week of C.L.A.W. so we went to the Great Lakes Science Center with the guy I refer to as Edin's Stalker lol, there is a back story on that but yeah....
Well as far as the eXile stepdown it was sad. I cried after I did the stepdown and before the contestants started coming out. I did say one thing and that one thing has been on my mind since I said it, "I am not stepping away, this is the beginning and I am pushing harder than I have before" I see no reason for me to step away, I am a boy, better yet I am a boy for the community. I love being out there and helping the people that are in need of the help. I have many events planned for the next couple of months, its just the fact of trying to get them all to fit in my schedule that may be changing soon. I hope it doesn't change much! Back to the eXile boy contest, there were five contestants and there were five judges, plus there were a TON of people in the audience that evening as well. The winner of the contest was boy Steven and the first runner up was Shane Sprankel, Congrats to both and I had already told all the boys that I am drafting them to help with my fundraisers!
Now all about C.L.A.W. C.L.A.W also known as Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend happened this April 28-May 1 and it was amazing!! I had so much fun out in Cleveland I loved it!! I had met so many people from different areas of the United States and I had finally met Mama Reinhart who I have talked to for a while but had never met. I am Mama's Army Cub so it was great to meet her, and also be in my first Mama's Family photo. While at C.L.A.W. I also did a photo shoot for the C.L.A.W. nation posters that circle around the U.S in different bars, also while there I was a table captain at the International Family dinner, basically I sit at a table with a group of men who I really didn't know and we talked about different things, I just had to make sure that I kept the conversations going and it wasn't quiet and boring at the table, I think I did a good job at that. I attended a few classes while there and I learned a few things that I had never knew before. But the next things I have planned are surprises to be left for people to wonder about hehe...
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