Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hey Everyone, as many of you know I am now living in Cleveland, I have been in there since May 19.  I started training and what not on the 21 and just last Monday (June 4) I took the reigns of Supervisory.  Well my first week didn't go as well as planned.  I have a few issues Saturday, one being the person running my operations on the inside, telling me when a plane is clear to land and what not, he didn't advise me of any of that, he just sat there played on his phone, computer and listened to music and ignored the essential job responsibility.  Well he got a write up, the next crazy thing that happened is everyone left but myself and my two night guys and well lets just say my favorite word for the next couple of hours was f*ck.  I didn't know that the mainline flight coming in to stay over night was a airbus til it actually turned the corner and that is when I started to yell f*ck, then about four minutes later my next plane was there and f*ck just kept flying out of my mouth.  Well all in all after the planes were parked, offloaded and the first one was clean, things started to get a little better until I try to close the bin door of the airbus, yeah it didn't want to close.  The pilots had left and when they left the ground power wasn't working, the plane was completely shut down, and on top of all of that I couldn't get the hand crank to work to try and shut the bin.  So I called my boss and then I called maintenance, the funny thing is that maintenance didn't get the issue resolved I did after messing around with two different ground power units, so blah blah blah plane clean. So blah blah blah rest of the night progresses then the last plane came in and we had to clean it in the complete dark because dispatch had called us earlier in the day and advised us not to hook up the ground power to it for some reason, I didn't ask the crew about that but I should have, I should have just verified that the information was correct. Come to find out it wasn't correct and we could have hooked up the ground power, but we didn't.

So that was all just one night, but that one night caused a lot of other crap to come down on me. But my excuse for all the crap that happened this weekend is that it was my first weekend to close on my own and with little help that I just need a few extra days to get things together and I should be completely fine.  Which truthfully I am the type of person that is constantly worrying that I am missing something, that I am doing something wrong, that something is always going wrong.  But I am actually working right now and creating a check list of things I need to ensure that I do every night, ensure that these certain things are done before I leave, which I have to take the train and then the bus home and it kind of sucks at that time in the morning.

But back to the essential update of this whole blog.  Cleveland, Cleveland is a good city, lots to do around the city and what not, but for some reason I just can't seem to ever get the motivation to get out and do it.  All in all things are ok with me, I am just wanting to get a car now, I am setting aside money each week from my checks to go towards a car, so hopefully before my bday I can get a nice dependable car to last me a while.  I have so much on my mind more and more lately but I will figure it all out sooner or later.  I will be fine, better yet I am fine, I am fine with the things I have chosen to do, I am fine with what I am doing, I am doing what best for me as a person, as a boy, I am doing whats best for me, Robert Matthew VanNess. I am what matters to myself more than anything and truthfully I am just now realizing all of this.  I am a great boy, a great person, I have a big heart and I am always there to support and help anyone that is in need of help!

All in all this is just a lot of the stuff that is on my mind right now, just the stuff I want to talk out and talk about, which I did, I feel more comfortable now as a whole as me. Tonight is going to be a great night I get to see my amazing NJ Leather Family, they make me happy, they are always making me smile and they are all great people!

Thanks for reading my random thoughts i post out there,
boy Robert