Friday, July 30, 2010

Today Is The Big Day!

Today is the big day! The Launch of this site, as well as the first day of the Ohio Valley Regional Leather Contest!  This website I hope will be a big hit for me! I have put a good amount of time in it, and had to think about what I want to do with it.  So I came up with the idea of creating another basket for a charity.  The basket that I create is going to be raffled off at Exile in September, the date is still TBA but everything raised for that basket will go to the Aids Resource Center here in Dayton for funding for them.  The reason why i chose them to be the recipient of the money is that the Ryan White Foundation has made some changes and different resource centers in the different areas have lost funding that they need to keep running and helping people in need.  Some people such as myself we need the help from these different organizations.  I have the urge to help the people in need and right now they need our help!  So please start spreading the word, if you would like to donate something to this basket feel free to email me, or leave a message in the guestbook.  Also please don't forget to make it out to Axis to support myself and Ryan (Exile Cub) during the contest this weekend.  We have worked hard to get things together for this and we know our hard work will pay off this weekend.  I hope that everyone enjoys there weekend, and I will keep everyone up to date on here about whats going on! 

boy Robert

Thanks Again For Stopping By!